Thursday, September 22, 2011

The glorious days of curfew, no parents and best of all, FREEDOM! I will agree, college is definitely fun and an experience like none other, but with this wonderful experience comes a substantial amount of responsibility. Many college students, like myself, love to party, stay out into the whee hours of the morning, and put off doing critical college deeds, such as homework, until the very last minute. That's right, I'm a typical freshman college student, just trying to survive in this big ol' world known as college...A.K.A. the real world.

Funny College Quotes

I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam: I looked into the soul of another boy.    - Woody Allen

Never get married in college. It's hard to get a start if a prospective employer finds you've already made one mistake.     - Elbert Hubbard
                   Everyone has a right to a university degree in America, even if it's in hamburger technology.        -Clive James

If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.                 - Frank Zappa





I'm Currently a full time college student at an urban university, and i can personally tell you that the work load is no joke. Studying is a must in college weather you are a part-time or full-time student. High school and college are literally polar opposites and you may have the same mindset and misconceptions that I had. I figured that college is just one level above that of high school, but unless you went to some top noch big time private prep academy, then it's more than likely gonna feel like it's about two or three noches above high school. The key to success in college is prioritizing and figuring out what really is most important on your to do list and rank your course work based on whats most crucial at that moment. I can assure you that partying should not be a top priority...well at least on a weekday, and unfortunately I've figured that out the hard way. Save the socializing and partying for the weekend; I can assure you it's well worth the wait. Below are a lists of websites that you may find helpful throughout your career in college...

Surviving College...

The glorious adventure of making new friends in can be an awesome experience, or it can feel like the world is coming to an end and there is no hope for you. Thankfully I had two of my very close friends from high school attend the same college as me, but it still sucks that I haven't really made any new friends. I'm a very shy guy to begin with so making friends has never been an easy tasks for me, let alone making friends with completely new people in a totally different environment. I attend a Liberal Arts College so I figured it would be a juvenile task but it has turned out to be anything but that. My advice, just put yourself out there and be whoever you want to be. Screw what people think and just take a chance. The failure of taking a chance could result in the loss of a possible new best friend, or a soul mate, etc. Trust me, I know its much better said than done. Truthfully, I need to be following my own advice and putting myself out there so I can actually get the college expereince that I've been yerning for, for so long.

Having The Official Look

College is the time in your life to re-invent yourself whether it is socially, in terms of confidence, looks/style, academics, etc. Whatever you may choose to do to "re-invent" yourself just remember, there is nothing wrong with changing, but do not lose track of who you really are inside and what you stand for. It is so easy to forget whom we are when we enter a new world where we can virtually be anyone we choose. If you are looking to change your style/look, is an amazing site that will give you advice on everything from what shirts and shoes to wear, what watch and sunglasses to wear, all the way to the current hot styles in facial hair and haircuts. It is an amazing resource that gives you great advice on everything that is considered "hip" and "current."



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